Choosing the Right Heater For Your Needs

April 29, 2018 Posted By Matt O'Brien

heating system

When winter comes, no other system is more important to have efficiently functioning at home than the heating system. With temperatures dropping all around, it’s absolutely great to be able to have a place where we can always stay warm and comfortable even during the coldest nights.

That, of course, will only be possible if we have a heater at home that is working optimally. If your heater no longer works as well as it should, perhaps it’s time for you to buy a new one before the cold months set in.

However, with so many types of heaters available on the market today, choosing the right heater for your needs could get a bit tricky. To help you out, here are a few things that you need to keep in mind when choosing the right heater for your home.

Electric Heaters and Non-Electric Heaters

There may be many different types of heaters out there, but they can be classified into two general categories: electric heaters and non-electric heaters. While the former is self-explanatory, the latter would need some exploration. When we say non-electric heaters, we are referring to gas, wood and kerosene heaters.

As such, gas, wood and kerosene heaters burn fuels and produce carbon monoxide in the process. Considering the health risks that carbon monoxide poses, non-electric heaters are less than ideal for indoor heating. They are, however, perfect for outdoor home heating, specifically at a patio or a garden.

Electric heaters, on the other hand, offer a number of advantages that make them perfect for heating up your home. For one, electric heaters provide clean and gentle heat. It does not burn combustion fuels of any kind, making them the right choice for people who care about the environment. Compared to other kinds of heaters, electric heaters are known to be very efficient. It is, in fact, a hundred percent efficient because for every 100 units of energy it uses, it comes up with a hundred units of produced heat as well. The efficiency rating of its heat pump is even more amazing, as it manages to hit 300 per cent.

Cost of Heating Systems

Whether you choose an electric or a non-electric heater, your utility cost will still be greatly influenced. At the beginning, installing a gas heater, for instance, can prove to be costlier because there would be requirements for flues or piping. Electric systems, on the other hand, will cost less to install mainly because there are no such requirements. Plus, with the skyrocketing cost of fuel worldwide, operating an electric heater will naturally be cheaper, especially if you live in city or state where power rates are lower.

Safety Considerations

With a gas heater, there is always the possibility of a leak over time. When a leak happens, you and your family could be in danger because gas leaks, if not discovered in time, could cause an explosion. There is no such danger with electric heaters.

Downside of Electric Heaters

While electric heaters seem to have it over gas heaters, the former is not without its disadvantages. One glaring con of electric heaters is the fact that when there is a power outage, you cannot operate the heater. Unless you have a generator, you and your family will have to wait out the cold until the power comes back on.

The quality of hot air electric heaters produce can also make the entire house smell like a burning iron. As some home owners with electric heaters in their homes attest, that smell can prove to be disgusting.

There are many other factors that you should consider before choosing the right heater for your home. One thing, however, is for certain: you are going to need help installing either type of heater. Whatever your choice, know that you can always call upon us at Beez Neez Plumbing for help, which we won’t hesitate to give no matter what time of day or day of the week.

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