Prevent Mould Growth Inside Your Home

March 27, 2018 Posted By Matt O'Brien

Prevent Mould Growth

Once you see fuzzy black specks on a wall or ceiling in your home, you know that you are having a mould problem. Ideally, you should nip the mould growth in the bud, but sometimes, owing to our busy everyday lives, we fail to take immediate action and forgo cleaning the mould growth for days on end. More often than not, we only start paying any attention to it when the mould growth has spread. By then, cleaning it would significantly involve a lot more time and effort, when everything could have been prevented in the first place.

Mould Causes Health Problems

Much of the preventing you have to do involves a lot of cleaning. It is absolutely essential that you clean affected surfaces the soonest possible time because mould can cause a lot of problems. Apart from the fact that it eventually causes structural damage, mould can also endanger the health of everyone in your household. Mould produces irritants and allergens that can cause respiratory issues such as sneezing, runny noses and asthma attacks. Mould spores are also known to cause skin rash and red eyes. Some types of mould can even cause serious illnesses because of mycotoxins.

Preventive Measures to take

However, before you start cleaning, there are several preventive measures that you have to take. One is to try to pinpoint the source of the dampness that promotes mould growth. In many cases, the dampness is caused by a leaking roof or a leaky pipe. Sometimes, the mould growth is caused by too much humidity in the air inside your home.

Once you zero in on the source of the dampness, have it fixed right away. A roof repair expert can take care of your roof, while a plumber can repair or replace any defective pipes and fixtures. Humidity can also be dealt with by having air conditioning specialists repair your HVAC system and restore good air circulation inside your home.

When you’re done with taking care of the source of the dampness, that’s the time you start cleaning the existing mould growth. For the cleanup, you are going to need gloves, goggles and an N-95 respiratory mask to prevent contact with the mould spores. For your cleaning solution, use a mixture of detergent and water. Soak a rag or sponge in the solution, and scrub the mould vigorously until the specks are gone. Once you’re done scrubbing, dry all cleaned surfaces completely.

General Prevention of Mould Growth

As for general prevention of mould growth around the house, there are a number of things you can do. One is to prevent rainwater from entering your home by sealing gaps around doors and windows with caulk or weatherstripping. If there are rooms that are consistently damp, exhaust fans and dehumidifiers can help keep the dampness down. Keeping your home clean all the time can also help prevent mould growth. Spills should be mopped up and dried straight away. If possible, refrain from storing paper, fabrics, cardboard or any material that can serve as a food source for mould spores in your basement or bathroom, both of which are very prone to dampness.

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